Wisma Slipi is a Grade B office building located at Jakarta Barat. With a total building size of 22,000 sqm, the office building in Jl. Let Jend S.Parman Kav 12 is available for lease only.
Wisma Slipi is a medium sized office building that is of walking distance to Slipi Jaya Plaza and Mall Taman Anggrek. Wisma Slipi is equipped with 6 lifts, and a dedicated service lift.
Wisma Slipi has 275 parking lots to serve the office tenants and guests and ATM, Foodcourt, Restaurant and Bank as facilities in the office complex.
Years Constructed
Membership Parking
Reserved: Rp 3.500.000 Semi Annually
Unreserved: Rp 350.000 Monthly
Motor Cycle: Rp 120.000 Monthly
Male Urinal : 3
Male Cubical : 3
Female Cubical: 3
Lease Only
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 07:30 - 18:00
Sat: 07:30 - 13:30
Sun: N/A
Number of Lifts
Passenger Lift: 5
Service Lift: 1
Floor Count
Building Size
22000 m2
Average Floor Plate
1466.67 m2
Group | Group Rate | Show Detail |
Quality of Building | ||
Quality of Building Management | ||
Facilities of The Building | ||
Access to The Building |
Dwi Ayu Lestari
Lokasi cukup nyaman dan terjangkau kemanapun. cocok untuk lokasi<br />perkantoran dan dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan, aman dan yang terpenting untuk transportasi umum juga lengkap disini.
Restu Adeliana
Gedung Wisma Slipi sangat bagus, praktis, lokasi strategis kemanapun, pusat perbelanjaan cukup lengkap
Menurut saya wisma slipi sudah bagus namun tergolong tua tapu fasilitas sudah bagus semua akses juga terpenuhi
Selama di Wisma Slipi maintanance nya fast response dari pihak building management. Lokasi nya sudah lumayan.. Ga terlalu jauh juga dari tempat tinggal saya
Cukup bagus di wisma slipi. Lumayan dan cukup nyaman. Lokasi sudah memadai tetapi gedung termasuk gedung tua.
Budget per month for 0 sqm
Rp 0
Budget per month for 0 sqm
Rp 0